Saturday, April 08, 2006


SAKURA Originally uploaded by kenic.

un stagno e sakura Originally uploaded by kenic.

obento Originally uploaded by kenic.
It's really nice day today...a bit windy but still nice. So, I went to a park with lunch boxes (jubako in japanese) to see sakura with my family. It is called HANAMI means watching flowers. We took a bus for 5 mins, it reached to a park. We walked around...people were having fun in spring. Somebody were playing tennis, football, jogging, just walking....also doing hanami as we do. We sat down beside a pond. There are some sakura in bloom. It's really feeling good having lunch outside when it's this nice season. Yeah, hanami is always at outside, but at a cafe or restaurant, it's not common to have it outside, especially here in the small town. This is not tokyo. It's not a common japanese style yet. Even when a cafe has some tables and chairs outside, sometimes it's "not allowed" to have it there. PERCHE? I can't get the reason why.

anyway we had lunch under a sakura tree...onigiri and some chikuwa, tamagoyaki, takuan. I like'em all.

Aftre we finished it, we went to a cafe by walk. Because we felt like missing dolce ;-) It's also nice to walk through the park to the cafe. The cafe was with a table outside and we can't have it there ;P even it's really beautiful season this time, and they don't use it....when are they going to use it? non capisco. anyway we took cake and tea, it was nice.

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